The Delayed Spring-Summer Issue

Covid-19 has given all of us a lot to think about. Focus and Concentration haven’t been the best and I found that this has been a common phenomenon among writers and others. But it certainly had us pushing off this issue week after week.

But we’re back now. Covid may hang around for a while but things are opening up again including Mysterical-E.

All through this crisis, including the protests and the riots, I’ve watched the goings on from my balcony and while taking walks. For weeks, there was very little activity at this major intersection near Philly’s City Hall. Few cars, fewer people walking. No buses, no dog walkers, no strollers. And it was quiet. The stillness was eerie. It was all sad and a bit overwhelming.

Weeks after the quarantine or lockdown or whatever you want to call it was instituted, I began to see people venturing out. In ones and twos and threes — walking, biking, running. Dogs were being walked again, too.

For the past few days there’s been more traffic. Cars, buses, even a motocycle parade today.

I knew we would get back to normal — and I use that phrase purposely because there will be no “new” normal once a vaccine is available. The only thing that may linger is not having to shake hands or hug people. That I won’t miss.

Normalcy will return because we will make it return, we will pick up our old habits (having learned from this incident that we should wash out hands more often) and we will bring ourselves back to living socially and peacefully.

We will be out in force again. We will meet with each other again — loved ones and friends and everyone else. We will laugh and joke and bring some sanity back to the world again.

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