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A Word From the Editor


Captain Square and the Sleepless Knight by Charles Mossop

Computer Widow by Curt Jeffreys

Dead for the Last Time by John D. Nesbitt

Foresight by Dana King

Bastard Mummy by Frank Zafiro

Silver Bells by Gail Farrelly

From a Distance by J.E. Seymour

The Dogrobber by Frederick A. Fish

If Dogs Could Talk by Bill Bernico

Sex, Drugs, and Murder on the Frankenstein Set by Peter Joseph Swanson

Inspiration by William Blick

Nick Knack by Stephen D. Rogers

Make Money and Travel by David Hagerty

The Seven Rays by Tim Wohlforth

Murder at Rendezvous by P.R. Morris

I'd Stake My Reputation on It by Bill Bernico

Heaven for Roosters by Sarah Wisseman

The Big Sister by Jake Hinkson

Statistically Slim by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Surprise by Curt Jeffreys

The Waffle Mob by Cindy Rosmus



I Like 'em Tough by Jim Doherty

Mysterical-Eye on TV and Film by Gerald So

Tangents by Tim Matson

Authors Snapshot by Christine Verstraete

NEW Reading... for Smarties




The Flash element at the top of the pages is a tribute to some of Gin E.L. Fenton's Past covers (and will be changed with covers yet to come) and the flash was created by Webmaster Jason Li