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Reading for Smarties



"I avoided writers very carefully because they can perpetuate trouble as no one else can." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Esquire, February-April, 1936

Probably good advice from Mr. Fitzgerald (he should know), but I've never avoided writers--I love them too much. Plus the trouble they can cause is such fun.

With that idea in mind, I asked a bunch of them to tell me what their favorite short stories are, one written by someone else, and one written by themselves. And they came through. What really surprises me is there are no duplicates. Many have links so you can read the stories, some for free, some for a small fee. Others you'll have to hunt for in anthologies or contact the writer directly if the story he mentions is by him but no longer available. He may just send you a copy to read. Or maybe not. You can never tell with writers--ask Mr. Fitzgerald.

A quick note before we start. The Derringer Award mentioned here several times is given by the Short Mystery Fiction Society annually for short stories in different length categories. (Get it--the Derringer is a small, short-nosed gun.) Here's a link to the 2011 winners Look at the left side-bar for other years:

And here they are, something for everyone and the reasons why:

J.E. Seymour

Someone else's: "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl. I love its simplicity, its sparseness. No need for excessive wordage, it's only about 3,900 words long. It's not a classic mystery, we know who dunnit. It's clearly just crime.

J.E.'s own: "Blackbird." It was first published at A Shred of Evidence. It's now available on Kindle - "Blackbird" is also straight crime, no question of who dunnit. It's a character study. Those are my favorite kind of stories.

Victor Banis

Someone else's: Likes Michael Bracken's "News Flash" because it's on his mind a lot. "Why that one? Well, the writing is smooth as silk and the ending has a kick."

Victor's own: "A Man of Principle." Why this one. Don't know, I just like it. There's a Faustean element to it, though I think not every one picks up on that.

Barry Ergang
Someone else's: "Iris" by Stephen Greenleaf. "One of the most moving and beautifully written." It's included in the anthology The Mammoth Book of Private Eye Stories, edited by Bill Pronzini and Martin H. Greenberg, published in 1988 by Carroll & Graf; and in Homicidal Acts, also edited by Pronzini and Greenberg, and published in 1989 by Ivy (Ballantine) Books.
Barry's own: "The Play of Light and Shadow." I've always loved stories that involve seemingly impossible crimes, and finally managed to write one of my own. It's available at
Elizabeth Zelvin

Someone else's: the most perfect story I've ever read doesn't seem to be available at the click of a mouse. It's Sean Doolittle's Derringer winner "Care of the Circumcised Penis" from THUGLIT PRESENTS: BLOOD, GUTS, AND WHISKEY. The sheer artistry of it took my breath away, but what really tipped the scale for me was it also had heart.

Liz's own: "The Green Cross," published in EQMM and nominated for an Agatha, is available at,%20The%20Green%20Cross.pdf.  It's the first appearance of Diego, the young Marrano sailor with Columbus who started beating on the inside of my head in the middle of the night demanding to be let out, and his voice is all his own.

Rob Lopresti
Someone else's: James Thurber's "The Catbird Seat." It is the best perfect crime story I have ever read. You will not guess where it is going, and once you do you can reread it again and again for its sheer cleverness. You can find it in THURBER ON CRIME, which, surprise, I edited.

Rob's own: "Snake in the Sweetgrass," which appeared in the December 2003 issue of Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. It is about an elderly, somewhat senile fiddler trying to cope with his assistants who may not have his best interests at heart. It is my favorite because 1) it is ABOUT something (specifically: is it cruel or kind to allow an over-the-hill performer keep doing what he loves, even though he can't do it very well anymore?), 2) it comes very close to being the story I set out to write (most get off the path one way or the other), and 3) a stranger wrote to tell me it was the best mystery story she had ever read.
Carol Kilgore

Someone else's: "The Scent of Lilacs" by Doug Allyn, published in the Sept/Oct 2010 issue of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. The story touched my heart in ways usually only novels do.
Carol's own: "Blues in the Night," nominated for a Derringer is my favorite story because it underwent a complete metamorphosis from beginning to end, both in story and in title. I no longer remember the original title because it had three or four. It went from short to long to flash, and finally found a forever home at Dark Valentine. (page 16)
Jim Doherty
Someone else's: Dashiell Hammett's "The Gutting of Couffignal" (BLACK MASK, Dec. 1925), reprinted in THE BIG KNOCKOVER (Random, 1966).  "The Gutting of Couffignal" is nothing except the best hard-boiled private eye story ever written.  It's the quintessential pulp fast-action whiz-bang, as a criminal gang takes over an entire suburban/resort community in Marin County located on the titular island (probably a fictionalized version of Belvedere) in San Pablo Bay (the northern part of the San Francisco Bay). They dynamite the bridge connecting the town with the mainland, take over the boatyard, then spend the rest of a storm-tossed night looting the now-isolated place, opposed only by the nameless narrator known as The Continental Op.  As ridiculously melodramatic as all this sounds, Hammett's matter-of-fact approach makes the unlikely goings-on seem totally credible.  As the Op says of an unbelievably melodramatic novel he's reading before hell breaks loose, "In the book it was real as a dime." Ends with the best of several "dry runs" Hammett made for the last chapter of THE MALTESE FALCON.

Jim's own:  "Second Chance," the first Dan Sullivan story I ever wrote, and the first story I ever wrote that sold (though not the first story I sold; that was "Unmatched Set," which was published in MYSTERY BUFF).  Regretfully, "Second Chance" was published in BLUE MURDER, which is no more, so I can't provide a link. "Second Chance" is my favorite because it's my first story that sold, and because I think it has the most interesting back-story. 

Some years earlier, when I was working for the Berkeley, CA, Police, I'd arrested a homeless man who pulled a knife on me.  I drew down and was just a few ounces of trigger pressure short of shooting him, when he suddenly dropped the knife.  He turned out to be a Vietnam vet fallen on hard times, and not all that bad a guy.  I resolved that some day, I'd have to use this incident in a story.

A few years later, I was reading an interview with a professor of Scriptural Studies at one of Chicago's Catholic universities (I think it was DePaul, but I'm not absolutely sure of that).  Anyway, the professor was talking about the story of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke and making the point that the lesson most people take away from that parable, "Be good to your neighbor," is only part of the story.  To get the full point, you have to put the story in historical context.  The Samaritans were hated by Temple Jews in Jerusalem.  If the point was just be kind to your neighbor, Jesus would have made the robbery victim the Samaritan, and the rescuer a Temple Jew.  Instead He made the hero of the story a member of despised group precisely because He wanted to challenge the preconceptions of his audience.

Flashback to the age of thirteen and an assignment I was given by my seventh grade teacher, Sister Brideen, to rewrite the story of the Good Samaritan in a modern setting.  I wrote a story in which a druggie gets mugged on a San Francisco street, gets passed up by another druggie and a local dealer, but whose life is saved by the local beat cop, the last guy the druggie expects help from.  Sister gave me an "A," but that article I'd read suggested that, by making the victim a member of a despised group, and the hero the conventional cop-with-a-heart-of-gold, I'd missed the point completely.  What, I thought, if the wounded man was a cop, cut off from communications?  Who would he least expect help from?

I remembered the homeless guy I'd almost shot, and sat down and wrote "Second Chance," opening with a fictionalized version of the real-life encounter I'd had with the luckless vet, and ending with a rewrite of that 7th grade assignment.  I sent it off to a short story contest that WRITERS DIGEST was running.  I didn't win, but I did have a sellable story, as the purchase by BLUE MURDER proved.
Steven Torres

Someone else's: "Bullet in the Brain" by Tobias Woolf is a story about a bank robbery gone wrong - one of the patrons gets the title... I find it devastating. Here's a link:

Steven's own: "The Biography of Stoop, the Thief: Chapter Three: Stoop and Elizabeth." It was first published in UNCAGE ME! from Bleak House. SMFS nominated it for a Derringer, so it can't be all bad. It's available through Kindle:

O'Neil de Noux

Someone else's: "The Whimper of Whipped Dogs" by Harlan Ellison is a haunting tale based on a real event that shook me when I was young. The story is electrifying and has one of the greatest titles and the best opening line. It was one of the stories that inspired me to become a writer.

O'Neil's own: "The Heart Has Reasons" was written with some emotion as I evolved into writing more character-driven crime fiction. It was submitted right before Katrina hit us and when it was accepted that was good feeling. When it was awarded the Shamus Award for Best Short Story, it sustained me when things weren't going well, so it has a special place in my heart. It's also one of the best I've written.

Kate Thornton

Someone else's: "Losing Ground" by Gay Degani. It's a really short story - and the crime is really against everyone. Here's a link:

Kate's own: "It Doesn't Take a Genius" - my Caltech crime and "balancing" story up now here:

Anita Page

Someone else's: Jack Hardway's "Butterfly" would most definitely make my list of favorite short crime stories. It's beautifully written, with a fine twist and characters who come to life on the page.

Anita's own: "Twas the Night," which won the Derringer last year, because of my fondness for the characters. It was published in The Gift of Murder (Wolfmont Press), but can be read and heard at Lit.103.3

Mark Troy

Someone else's: A story I have read over and over is "Until Gwen" by Dennis Lehane. It appeared in Atlantic Monthly, June 2004 and reprinted in The Best American Mystery Stories, 2005. It's about a grifter and a man who might or might not be his father. It is told in the second person, present-tense and is a marvelous story about a young man struggling with identity. The first sentence: "Your father picks you up from prison in a stolen Dodge Neon with an 8-ball of coke in the glove compartment and a hooker named Mandy in the back seat."

Mark's own: "Horns." It was published in 2009 on The Thrilling Detective Site. The idea came from a Sports Illustrated article about highly paid athletes. One was a rodeo bull whose earnings came from winnings and the price of his sperm. I wrote it up when Michael Bracken wanted a story for "Sex, Lies and Private Eyes." Funny thing is, there's no sex in it, although everybody wants it. It has lust, dust, rodeo clowns and a 1700 pound bag of aggression named Terminator. He's the victim. You can find it at

Toni L.P. Kelner

Someone else's: I still love "A Scandal in Bohemia" by Arthur Conan Doyle--it's got The Woman, Sherlock in two disguises, a nobleman getting dissed even though he's too arrogant to realize it, and an ending that is very different from what I expected.

Toni's own: I like them all. If I didn't like 'em, I wouldn't write 'em. But I'm going to go with my carnival mystery "Sleeping With the Plush," nominated for multiple awards, and got an Agatha.

Graham Powell

Someone else's: "Catch", by Ray Nayler. It originally appeared in an obscure British magazine called CrimeWave, though it's by an American and set here. "Catch," to me, fulfills the promise of noir. It's a sad story about a young boy who doesn't meet his dad until he's seven years old, when he gets out of prison. Pretty soon his old partner is roaming around. Things unfold from there in ways that seem both inevitable and surprising.

Graham's own: "Grace, Period". I don't aim to be profound in my own stories, and this one is a fast-paced tale of a mob wiseguy who's now in Witness Protection. When his minder gets him a job at a small bookstore, he uses his old tricks to go to work on the competition. I think it's a fun story with some humorous moments and a twist or two. My goal is to entertain, and I think of all my stories, this one does it best.

Marian Allen

Someone else's: "The Two Bottles of Relish" by Lord Dunsanay. I love it because it snuck up on me, then it stuck with me. Most mystery stories pass through my brain like mental potato chips, but not that one. It begins with food, which always attracts my attention. It's written in a conversational style, with a distinctive narrative voice. The police are baffled, but not because they're clodpoles; they're ahead of the amateur detective's every attempt at a solution right up until the end. And a bit of poetry drops in unexpectedly here and there: "...mysteries that men have made nothing of, a darkness, a little patch of night in history."

Marian's own: "Burning Ambition", one of my Free Reads "Burning Ambition" is a flash fiction piece written as an exercise. I opened a book at random and touched a word: "sparks". The story came from that. I sold it to Story House Coffee, and got a check and a can of coffee with my story printed on the label. I like it because it's so economical, but pleases me with the amount of character and background I was able to shoehorn into it.

Ruth McCarty

Someone else's: "Widow's Peak."  It's about 52 words and was nominated for a Derringer. "Widow's Peak" by Sharon Daynard published in Riptide: Crime Stories by New England Writers - Level Best Books The reason why I liked "Widow's Peak" is in just fifty-two words, she introduces two characters, a believable setting, a crime and a satisfying ending.

Ruth's own: "Not My Son"  - published in Undertow: Crime Stories by New England Writers. It was my first published story and still my favorite.

Warren Bull

Someone else's: Sue Grafton's "Skin Deep" in a print publication P.I. Files Ivy Books, 1990 Edited by Loren D. Estleman and Martin H. Greenberg.  I enjoyed her "tight" writing and her understated sense of humor. She describes characters briefly but deftly and I hung on every word.

Warren's own: "The Wrong Man" also a print publication Murder Manhattan Style, Ninth Month Publishing, Co. 2010.  With permission I borrowed a friend's setting and universe and added a favorite character of my own. The story bounced around gathering favorable comment from editors but not publication for months.  It was finally published on line but the ezine closed. It is my favorite to read at conferences and signings and it always goes over well.

Kaye George

Someone else's: Dave Zeltzerman's "Julius Katz" that appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. I find it here: It features the
most original detective I've ever run across. And he's every bit as appealing as Archie Goodwin in this Nero Wolfe-inspired story. It has since turned into a series!

Kaye's own: "West Texas Waitin'" which, entirely by coincidence, was published by Dave in Hard Luck Stories (online and defunct). It's my favorite because I fell in love with my bad-girl character. She's incorrigible, but she crept into my heart--then took over the story. I've gotten the most fan mail from this story, too. It started as my attempt to
understand a person like her. I have it now in my A PATCHWORK OF STORIES.

Jan Christensen

Someone else's: "Putois" by Anatole France. Way up there as one of the most unusual short stories I've ever read, interestingly told. It shows so clearly how one rather small lie can escalate into something totally unexpected. Unfortunately, I can't find a link for it on-line, but it's been in several anthologies. I read it in "50 Great Short Stories" edited by Milton Crane.

Jan's own: "Why I Quit Jogging," available right here in Mysterical-e's premier issue. I find I enjoy writing humorous episodic stories, and this one certainly is that. The idea came to me when driving home from an intense writer's meeting, down a dark winding road, when I saw a jogger ahead. Fortunately, I wasn't driving a Lincoln with a Continental tire kit, nor did I hit him. And certainly did NOT put him in my trunk. Find out what my mind did with that idea, though, here:

And there you have it--an abundance of stories to find and enjoy recommended by writers. What more could you ask from a reading column in a short story magazine??

And what better quote to end an article about short stories:

"So the writer who breeds more words than he needs/Is making a chore for the
reader who reads."  - Dr. Seuss

Currently reading: "Munchies & Other Tales of Guys, Gals and Guns" by Jack Bludis on my Kindle--fun, fun, fun!