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author interview
Interview with Kurt Kamm
by Barbara M. Hodges 

Malibu resident Kurt Kamm has used his access to Los Angeles County and Los Angeles City firefighters and his experience in several devastating local wildfires to write his novels. He has also attended classes at El Camino Fire Academy and training sessions in arson investigation and hazardous materials response.
One of the Malibu fires, the 60 mile-per-hour Santa Ana wind-driven Canyon Fire, burned to his front door and destroyed the homes of several neighbors. Mr. Kamm said the lessons he learned from L.A. County Fire Department while writing his books helped him save his home.
Kurt lives with his wife and three dogs. He was previously a financial executive and semi- professional bicycle racer. He was Chairman of the UCLA/Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Foundation and is an avid supporter of the Wildland Firefighter Foundation.

Kurt’s Books:
        Red Flag Warning:
        Code Blood:         
         One Foot in the Black:

BMH:   You're president of the United States for enough time to only make one executive decision. What is it?

KK:       Set up a commission to repair our education system. That would include raising teacher's salaries, making the system a meritocracy, and ceasing to educate to the lowest common denominator
BMH:    Describe a few pet peeves of yours.

KK:        Partisanship in Congress, which trumps the good of the country. The hold of big Pharma on our healthcare system.  
BMH:     Would you rather...
     A.  Live without music or live without TV?
          KK:      Without music - sorry, but I find some of the specialty cable channels very helpful (Bloomberg).
     B.   Be gossiped about or never talked about at all?
          KK:       Couldn't care less about either.
BMH:     You are going to a deserted island, you can take only two comfort items with you, what would they be?

KK:         Subscription to the New Yorker and my Computrainer (I'm a former bicycle racer - this is an indoor device to simulate racing, which I use every day)
BMH:     Do you blog? If so, why and what do you usually blog about?

KK:         I publish a blog -it is Firefighter's Words, which recounts some amazing, sad, happy, crazy stories of first responders.
BMH:     Have you ever done a blog book tour? What was that like and would you do it again?

KK:         No, I have not.
BMH:    What's a common and accepted practice for Americans nowadays that you think we'll look back on with regret?

KK:        The Right Wing-Left Wing battles, which ignore facts. Lying, distorting, in the name of partisan politics. Ignoring the good of the country.
BMH:     What would you attempt to do if you knew that you could not fail?
KK:         Wipe out the worldwide drug/narcotics trade
BMH:       How often do you Google yourself?

KK:          Almost never
BMH:       What do you know now that you wished someone had told you ten years ago?

KK:          How fast time passes as you get older
BMH:     What advice would you give to a beginning writer?

KK:         Don't do it unless you love to write and it gives you self satisfaction, because that is all you may get
BMH:     What childhood event shaped or scarred you the most?
KK:        Went off to boarding school at 14
BMH:     Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

KK:         I have been associated with the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA for 25 years. The researchers there are brilliant, selfless, and dedicated. Not a bad group to emulate
BMH:     Do you have any pets?  If so tell us about them.

KK:         I love animals. Always have 2-4 rescue dogs. Right now, I have a 17 year old Lhasa, 9 year old mix, and a new, 3 year old Husky/Shepherd. Also have a double yellow Amazon parrot (she's waiting for an acceptance to Stanford) and a sun conyer.
BMH:    Do you enjoy doing promotion?

KK:        Sometimes, if I think the audience is interested and/or listening. Hate reaching out to morons-total waste of time
BMH:     What’s the oddest thing you have ever done to promote your work?

KK:         It’s coming up in Jan- a book signing in the Malibu Ralphs Supermarket
BMH:     What is the strangest fan question/request you’ve ever gotten?
KK:         I can't repeat that here. For those who really want to know, send me $10 (no checks) and a plain, brown SASE.
BMH:     Respond to these pairings and tell why you respond the way you do:
a.    Series or stand-alone books.    
     KK:  Series probably hooks readers and creates more of a following, but I like the freedom of stand-alone books. Gives me a chance to research new venues, new characters with new problems.
b.    Outlines or seat of the pants plotting   
      KK:  I am incapable of writing an outline of my mysteries. I usually start out and let the characters write the book. Usually about halfway through I see where everything is going. Sometimes I have to go back and patch things up, but surprisingly little. My current protagonist in my newest novel -Hazardous Material - has gotten himself into a real jam, and I'm struggling to fix things.
c.    Lots of research or make it all up?  
     KK:  Both. Do a lot of research and then start making things up based on your research. Write What You Know?? I say, Know What You Write.  
d.    Neat or sloppy?  
     KK:  NEAT, NEAT, NEAT, NEAT. And furthermore, NEAT!.
e.    NY or DC  
     KK:   Wha? How about the left coast??  
f.    Carnivore or vegetarian?  
     KK:   In between. No red meat. But I'm  not past drinking the warm blood of a beautiful maiden, if the opportunity presents itself.
BMH:    How have you grown as a writer?
1)    What has gotten better?
     KK:    My dialogue
2)    What things have you dropped along the way?
     KK:    Less backstory, more action
3)    What helped most in your growth as a writer?
     KK:   Continuing to write
BMH:     If you could go back in time and ask anyone a question, who would you ask, what would you ask and why do you want to know?

KK:        My grandfather left Estonia in 1902, with a wife, five children, no money and no English language ability. I would love to know what he was thinking at the time.