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author interview

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Bob Haig retired from the Detroit Fire Department in 1992, after 30 years of adventure filled service. He was educated at Henry Ford Community College and Wayne State University. He has degrees in Fire Science and Management. He was active with the Detroit Firefighters Association and worked as the 7th Battalion Director, editor of the Firefighters Magazine, vice president and president of that union. He was honored as Firefighter of the Year in the 7th Battalion in 1972, and has survived many harrowing fires, including the 1967 civil disturbance and the famous Devil’s Night insurrections in Detroit. His works include the novels, Fire Horses and Catching the Stoma Lady. He maintains a website that posts stories about both firefighters and police officers.

Visit Bob at

Bob’s Books:

 Fire Horses:

Catching the Stoma Lady:




Barbara:  You’re president of the United States for enough time to make one executive decision. What is it?
Bob:                Withdraw all foreign aid and divert the funds to rehabilitate America’s inner cities, including massive funding for public safety.

Barbara:                       Describe a few pet peeves of yours.
Bob:                Tailgaters. Movies where you cannot hear the actors.

Barbara:                       Would you rather...
                        1. Live without music or live without TV
                                                Bob:    Live without TV
                         2. Be gossiped about or never talked about at all.
                                                Bob:    Be gossiped about.

Barbara:  You are going to a deserted island, you can only take two comfort items with you, what would they be?
Bob:                A deck of cards and a harmonica.

Barbara:           Do you blog?
Bob:                Yes

Barbara:   Why and what do you usually blog about?
Bob:                I blog about Firefighters and the job of fighting fires. I talk about the culture of Firefighting and I relay stories other Firefighters send me.

Barbara:           Have you ever done a blog tour?
Bob:                Not yet but it is in my future.

Barbara: What is a common and accepted practice for Americans nowadays that you think we’ll look back on with regret?
Bob:   Eating fast food and using credit cards.

Barbara:   What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
Bob:         Cure cancer.

Barbara:  How often do you Google yourself?
Bob:                Once every three or four months.

Barbara:   What do you know now that you wished someone had told you ten years ago?
Bob:   Get a hearing aid.

Barbara:   What advice would you give a beginning writer?
Bob:     Get a good editor.

Barbara:   What childhood event shaped or scarred your life?
Bob:    World War Two. It made me a strong patriot and taught me about the evil in the world.

Barbara: Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
Bob:                The Firefighters I met during my career showed me the best in man and how courage in the face of adversity can prevail.

Barbara:  Do you have ant pets? If so tell us about them.
Bob:                No. I lost Moose Super Dog three years ago. He is irreplaceable.

Barbara:   Do you enjoy promotion?
Bob:                Yes. I am a people person and a little bit of a show off.

Barbara:    What is the oddest thing you have ever done to promote your work?
Bob:                Visited fire houses in several states.

Barbara:   What is the strangest fan question you have ever gotten?
Bob:   Did you ever get saved when you were trapped in a fire?

Barbara: Respond to these pairings and tell why you respond the way you do.
           A. Series or stand alone books?
Bob: Stand alone books. Haven’t tried a series yet.
           B. Outlines or seat of pants plotting?
Bob: Seat of pants plotting because it’s easier for me.
           C. Lots of research or make it all up.
                        Bob: Never a lot of research. I am lazy that way.
           D. Neat or sloppy.
                        Bob: Neat. I like orderly things.
             E. NY or DC
                        Bob: DC because of its rich history.
F. Carnivore or vegetarian.
                        Bob: Both. I eat too much.

Barbara:           Have you grown as a writer?
Bob:                Yes. Literature land has been a challenge but I am getting better at it.
                        1) What has gotten better?
                       Bob: Structure and dialogue.
                        2) What things have you dropped along the way?
                       Bob: Long sentences.
                         3)  What has helped most in your growth as a writer?
                       Bob: Being around other writers.

Barbara:           If you could go back in time and ask anyone a question, who would you ask, what would you ask, and why do you want to know?
Bob: Mark Anthony. Was Cleo a good lover? I am nosy and it is an interesting question. Women have been the downfall of many famous men but sometimes it may have been worth it.