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Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory (continued)

by Montiese McKenzie

In the Summer issue we saw the first installment of the Chos Theory series. This issue brings us Parts 2, 3, and 4. Chaos Theory will continue in subsequesnt issues

The Sutherland Factor


“Good morning Madame President.”

“Good morning Jack. I just met with the Joint Chiefs. We are back to DEFCON 2 and the Domestic Protection alert is yellow again. How are you?”

It had been two weeks since the Inauguration Day deaths. The Secret Service and FBI quickly figured out that the act was domestic and not a case of international intrigue. They still had no idea why someone would do it. Chief Justice Martin survived due to her husband's quick thinking in getting her to the hospital. She was upgraded from extremely critical condition to stable but critical. The coroner found a drug called Amilcilixin in the bloodstream of all four victims. It attacked the respiratory system, eventually constricting the airways and causing asphyxiation.

In small doses, the drug was not fatal but doctors found large amounts in all four bodies. They were astonished that the President-elect lasted as long as he did…the dosages he received were some of the highest seen. After blood tests, the FBI declared both Claire McDevitt and former President Lindstrom to be clean.

“Its time to talk staff ma'am.” Jack sat on the couch across from Claire.

“Oh dear lord, am I really going to be ma'am?”

“I respect the office Claire. You can handle ma'am, you've been that to everyone else for eight years.”

“Alright, alright. The late President-elect picked most of the Cabinet; I only plan to make a few changes. We're going to need a new Secretary of State.”

“I'm thinking Mark Levin. I honestly wanted Leonard Page but I know he has no interest in the job. Mark is the next best thing.”

“I'll see Mark tomorrow.” Claire said. “What else?”

“The Senior Staff. Maggie has accepted Press Secretary and I have Emily Cooper running your office. Ben is back in Communications for the time being, but only until we find someone else.”

“I like Stephen Colt for that.” Claire said.

“From George Mason University ?”

“He's a friend and I think he'd do a good job. I just have to lure him away from American University and that could take some time.”

“OK. You need a Chief of Staff and a Deputy.”

“I know. Jack, I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but…”

“You don't want Dan.” He finished her sentence.

“It's not personal.”

“I figured that. I have something else in mind for him if he wants to take it. I think you and Diana will work well together. She is smart, efficient, and excellent under pressure. To add even more to her resume she knows practically everyone on the Hill.”

“Does she want the job?” Claire asked.

“For the interim, yeah.”

Diana would be her Chief of Staff. Nick would perform Deputy duties, just as he planned to do for Richard Serrano. Natalie would advise Maggie on handling the press and Jack's official title was now Senior Advisor to the President.

“Now, Vice-President.” Jack flipped the page of the legal pad.

“I wanted to ask you.” Claire admitted. “You have the experience…no one can deny that.”

“Thank you very much ma'am, but hell no.” he replied, laughing.

“Tell me why.”

“Don't you think that if I wanted it I would have insinuated myself into the role during the convention? I have a wife, two small children, and an issue with alcohol and cocaine. I will not go on Barbara Walters, crying my eyes out to the American public about mistakes in my past. I will not open up my family to intense media scrutiny. There is also the question of my health.”

“Nat gave me the impression that you were healthy. You've recovered nicely from the aneurysm.” Claire said.

“Yes. Do you think it is going to stay that way moving over to the Old Executive Office Building ? I'm here for you, but I have to put my foot down on that idea. Anyway, my wife would kill me…I literally think she would kill me.”

“I understand. Let's all put our heads together and have a short list by the day after tomorrow.”

“What about James Sutherland?” Jack asked.

“On the short list?”

“As Vice-President.”

“No.” Claire shook her head. “And it's not because I don't like him. He is former Secretary of State and I cannot have my Administration resembling Lindstrom-lite Jack. We have to be strong in our own right.”

Claire stood and so did Jack. That was something else she would have to get used to. When the President stood, no one sat.

“I'll call a staff meeting and we will sit down to discuss it. Any input?” he asked.

“Andy Tennant. I like him and I can see him in the White House. I don't think the party respects him enough. They say he is soft on defense but he is not. At least give him a look.”

“Yes ma'am.”

“I do not want a party pick. I want someone who is ready to grab bricks and start working. Don't bring me Norma Desmond, ready for her close-up.”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Thanks Jack.”

“Thank you, Madame President.”


Diana sat in the window seat of her bedroom watching the snowfall. She still shivered though wrapped in her favorite comforter. Today the President asked her to be the interim White House Chief of Staff. It was a job Diana never wanted but could not turn down. When the President asked you to serve, that was what you did. She turned down Serrano a month ago but she knew that President McDevitt asked for different reasons. It would be a challenge but Diana excelled at challenges.

“Hey, why are you still awake?”

Benjamin sat up and looked at his wife. The room was chilly; he got up to turn up the thermostat.

“Aren't you cold sugar?”

“Ben, should we really do this?”

“What?” he took her hands and pulled her toward their bed.

“The White House again. You accepted a job at Fordham for the spring. I wanted to raise our kids for a little while and we talked about having another baby. Our house is full of boxes; we were leaving this behind.”

Ben did not want to stay in Washington either. He was so tired of the whole damn thing. After what happened at the end of the Lindstrom Administration, he was ready to hitchhike his way home. Claire needed them though and it would not be for too long. She was a strong and capable woman, an excellent President. They would restore order and settle in New York City by the fall. Ben held his wife close, kissing her forehead. Diana relaxed in his arms. She felt warmth from him that no comforter could provide.

“Years from now I am sure this will be used against me, but I think it is important that we stay.” he said. “The country is facing a trying time and we've been asked to help.”

“That definitely doesn't sound like you.” Diana replied. “Especially not these past six months.”

“I know. That bothers me too.”

She caressed his face and kissed him. They undressed each other, touched each other's bodies. Diana had a feeling that this extra time in Washington would be the hardest time of their lives. Serrano, Crosby, and Crutchfield were dead…that part was over. Diana and her colleagues had nothing to do with what would come of that investigation. However, there was something else on the horizon and even as Benjamin made love to her, she felt a foreboding. They were entering a new time with more uncertainty than ever.

“I love you.” Diana whispered.

“I love you too. Why are you trembling?”

“I'm cold.”

“I turned the heat up.”

“Just hold me tighter.” she said.

Ben did as she asked and they fell asleep that way.


“Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

Jack walked into the office. It had been Dan's for so long when he was Jack's Deputy and most recently occupied by Martin Kelly. The President asked Martin to stay and run the Counsel's office for two years and he agreed. Maggie was overjoyed since they were trying to pursue a serious relationship. Jack however, wanted nothing to do with that information …they had real obstacles to conquer. Still, things must be getting back to normal if relationship gossip returned to the forefront of water cooler topics.

“I'm just giving the place a once around.” Dan replied. “I thought I could convince Nick to have lunch with me if he wasn't too busy. I heard Diana got Chief of Staff.”

“Yeah. It was nothing personal, it's just…”

“Don't worry about it.” Dan held up his hand. “McDevitt wasn't my candidate; she doesn't owe me anything.”

“That is certainly true. Still, it would be ridiculous to assume there is nothing for you to do here.”

“Like what? I don't need a pity job Jack; I have some prospects.”

He didn't, but he would in the next few months. Dan flopped in his old chair, opening desk drawers. There were enough White House mints and M&Ms to put someone in a sugar coma. Martin Kelly had a sweet tooth…why did that surprise him.

“The President feels, and I wholeheartedly agree, that you should groom the Vice-President.”

“We don't have a Vice-President.”

“We will…you know that the short list is done. What do you think?”

“About what?” Dan asked.

“My proposition.”

“Two people were elected President of the United States with my guidance and knowledge. You want me to get the nerd ready for the senior prom.”

“I certainly wasn't looking at it that way.” Jack replied.

“How were you looking at it?”

“We have six highly qualified men on a piece of paper. One of them will be the next Vice-President of the United States . Claire McDevitt is not going to run for a second term. Who do you think the nominee will be in four years?”

“I'm sure these guys have their own people with their own aspirations.” Dan replied.

“Do you think the man suddenly asked to be Vice-President of the United States will want Daniel Kagan, with his experience taking two men to the White House, or the brother-in-law who he hired to get his wife off his back?”

“What are you asking me to do?” Dan asked, smirking at the thought.

“Groom him. Television, the press, the public, international affairs. You show him what fork to use for the salad if you have to. He is going to be in the spotlight; his family will be in the spotlight. We need you.”

“May I have some time to think about it?”

“Twenty-four hours. President McDevitt wants it narrowed down to two by the end of the week. Maggie is announcing the nominee on Monday. There is a small window of time since we now have a Democratic Speaker of the House.”

“I will certainly take this into consideration. I have several things on tap right now so I am weighing many options.”

Jack knew he was lying but would let him keep his ego intact. Dan was good at his job and they did need him. Now was not the time for any of them to put ego in the way.


“Madame President, we have traced the Amilcilixin to a CDC lab right outside of Savannah , Georgia .”

The snow came down harder on Tuesday afternoon. Jay Monroe, his number two Special Agent Carly Richter, and Special Agent Stephen Holmes from the FBI sat in the Oval Office with Claire, Diana, and Jack.

“What does the CDC have to do with this?” Diana asked.

“About ten weeks ago, a lab technician named Sharon Archer disappeared.” Special Agent Richter said. “She was an employee at that lab. Enough Amilcilixin disappeared with her to kill a small city.”

“Is she dead?” Jack asked.

“No body has been found sir.” Stephen replied. “We have a missing person unit there now questioning everyone and everything.”

The President wanted to know what the local police did about the missing woman.

“Unfortunately, people go missing everyday. Some cases receive more attention than others.” Jay said. “Ms. Archer was as clean as a whistle. With no signs of foul play, the police quickly moved on to what they considered real crimes.”

“What is the FBI doing now Agent Holmes?” Claire asked.

“We are going through her life with a magnifying glass and a fine toothed comb. I don't think I'm going out on a limb saying a Northwestern graduate working with infectious diseases didn't have it out for Washington politicians. I have a feeling that over the past six months to a year Sharon probably met a new man.”

“Middle Eastern?” Diana asked. “I hate to be like that but is this some kind of Al-Qaeda rip off?”

“We are not prepared to say right now.” Carly replied.

“I still believe the trouble is a lot closer than that.” Jay said. “The Secret Service is the only agency that connects all four victims. I've had Chief Justice Martin's team replaced and started an inside investigation. I don't have to tell you that feathers are going to be ruffled.”

“I don't give a damn.” Claire replied. “I want all the conspirators found and prosecuted. Who they are does not matter to me, only want they've done.”

“Yes ma'am.”

They all stood as the meeting ended. Before Diana headed back to her office, she asked a viable question.

“Do you think Jay can be objective?”

“The President-elect was killed on his watch. Solving this means everything to him.” Jack replied.

“I trust Jay…he's taken bullets for the job. We'll leave the investigation the way it is for now.”

“Thank you Madame President.”


Natalie walked into her old office, now occupied by Maggie Walsh, with an abridged version of the investigation. She also carried something behind her back.

“What are you doing?” Maggie asked with a smile. “What's behind your back?”

“I heard a rumor you liked coffee.”

Nat put the large mug on Maggie's desk. It said ‘Holy hell, I'm White House Press Secretary'.

“Aw Nat, this is great. Is that the FBI report?”

“Yeah. It should go into the five o'clock briefing.”

Maggie's assistant Kelly walked into the office.

“Excuse me Maggie? This is the Vice-Presidential short list. Diana wants to see you about it ASAP.”

“Thanks. Kelly, you know Natalie Carmichael.”

“Oh my God ma'am, this is such an honor.”

Kelly vigorously shook her head, wearing a happy grin.

“Thank you. Were you part of the Serrano campaign?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Kelly handled most of the press reports at headquarters.” Maggie said. “She was an invaluable member of our team. We were very impressed with her.”

“Keep up the good work.” Nat said.

“Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am.”

“Please stop calling me that. I'm Natalie, seriously.”

“Of course ma'am.”

She and Maggie both laughed after Kelly left.

“You're so famous.” Maggie said in an excited teenager voice.

“Shut up you. Knock ‘em dead at the briefing later on.”

“I will do my best. Thanks for the mug; thanks for everything over the years.”

Natalie winked and left the office too.


“I just wanted to stop by before I left.”


Jack looked over his glasses at Dan Kagan.

“Hey Dan. Did you see Maggie's briefing?”

“She's good. She is really good.”

Jack nodded, pushing aside the paperwork.

“What's happening?”

“If the President needs me then I'm going to stay. When we select a Vice-President, I will work with him. I talked to Sean and Lucy and they want to come in with me.”

“Good news.” Jack replied. “They were crucial to a well-run Serrano campaign.”

“I need to be at the table Jack. If I have to groom this guy I should have a say on who he is.”

“We're meeting at 10 tomorrow morning. I think you're the best man for the job…this is going to be a crash course.”

“Yeah. I appreciate the consideration. I know you probably went to bat for me.”

Jack studied the younger man. He had known Daniel Kagan for a long time; it was easy to see the anger and disappointment on his face. Just two and a half weeks ago, he was on his way to being White House Chief of Staff after accomplishing the impossible. Now he was outside the inner circle and being asked to groom some nobody for the #2 spot.

If they were honest with themselves, many times the Vice-President wasn't even #2. Right now Jack Carmichael was the second most powerful man in the world. Diana Hettinger flourished under his tutelage…she would be grabbing the reigns in a short time. Women were getting ready to rule the universe.

“This cannot be easy for you.” Jack said. “I know Rick Serrano was your friend.”

“It really wasn't. In fact, most of the time we were clashing. I truly wondered how we were going to do this without killing each other. Still, he would have been an excellent President and did not deserve this.”

“None of them did. The President wants the Vice-President to be more than an Emeritus position. With what is happening right now we all need to be active in the concerns of the country.”

“Yeah. I will see you in the meeting tomorrow.”


Dan waved and walked out. He needed a drink and from the look of the hurried activity around the White House, he was going to have it alone. Everything had changed but colors and sounds remained the same. The world continued turning; how much trouble would they be in if it stopped?


“Hey there!”

“Hi mom!”

Juliette jumped up from her chair, hugging her mother. Claire kissed her cheek. She looked over at her other daughter, flipping through Seventeen as if no one else was in the room.

“Hello Jess.”

“Hi mom.” She mumbled.

“She's peevish.” Jules confided.

“I see that.”

Jessica cleared her throat. “I'm still in the room.”

“I came home early to spend some time with my girls. What's the matter?”

“We're prisoners!” Jess exclaimed. “The walls of this place are closing in on me.”

“It's important to everyone, especially me, that you are always safe.”

“All I wanted was a cheeseburger. The Gestapo wouldn't even let me go out with my friends after school for some food. Mom, this is not right.”

Claire nodded, sitting down with both girls on the couch.

“I can have the Secret Service let up a little bit but…”

“I do understand what's happening. At least have our friends vetted so they can come here or we can go to their houses. Do you promise?”

“I promise.” Claire replied.

“Good.” Jess managed a smile.

“How about pizza and a movie?”

he Bone Collector !” Juliette exclaimed.

Rise of the Machines !” her sister countered.

“At least we can probably agree on Meat Lover's pizza.” The President replied.

“Got that right.”

“I'll watch The Bone Collector if we can get spicy buffalo wings.” Jessica said.


The girls shook hands and Claire smiled. She watched them negotiate this way since they were seven years old. They were always so mature but she was afraid that what they had to handle now was too much. She picked up the phone, telling the steward what they needed.

“Who is going to deliver pizza to the White House?” Juliette asked. “Especially with the heightened security. I have an inkling of what Marie Antoinette must have felt like during the French Revolution.”

“No one can deliver. It will be prepared here and brought upstairs. Let's put in the movie and have a nice evening in.”

“I am glad you came home early mom.” Jess said. She was smiling and that made Claire happy. Her oldest had been morose since Inauguration. None of that was her fault. Being the Vice-President's daughter was going to be strange enough. Now she was the President's daughter and it was under extreme circumstances.

“My job is going to keep me very busy; the same as when I was Secretary of Defense. Spending as much time as I can with you girls is essential to me.”

t was important to the twins too. Since they did not know the next time the opportunity would present itself, Jess and Jules would make the most of tonight.


Ups, Downs , and Mass Hysteria


“They are sound asleep, all snuggled under their comforters. I hardly wanted to kiss them for fear of waking them. My memories of Peyton at that age are fuzzy. I'm glad I have a chance to enjoy it again. ”

Jack stood by his closet undressing. His wife collected dirty clothes. She had been so busy lately, everything was scattered all over her closet. She stopped, flopping on the bed. It had been a long day and Natalie looked forward to the weekend. Nothing was going to drag her back to the White House…she would build a snowman with her children.

“They are pretty adorable, aren't they?”

“I would say yes. We make very cute babies Natalie Ann.”

She smiled, beckoning him to bed with her finger. Now Jack was smiling. It had been too long since they were last intimate. The demands of White House staffers in the first 100 days were heavy. Jack promised Nat that once The President chose a Vice-President he would not work so hard. They all wanted to help President McDevitt build a new government but she was not about to put her husband's health at risk again.

“Long week?” she asked, wrapping her arms around him.

“Yeah. By Monday a lot of our problems will be solved.”

“You think it will be Andy Tennant?”

“He is a good choice, but honestly I think the President will end up flipping a coin between he and Spencer. They're both good in looking toward the future.”

‘Spencer's younger; he has a young family.” Natalie lifted the tee shirt over his head. “It's definitely a good photo op. He grew up working class…worked his way through college.”

“Should it bother me much that you know his life story?” Jack ran his hand down her leg and liked the way she moaned.

“I read the file. There's only one man for me.”

“Yeah? Who?”

“Dan Kagan of course.”

“You are an evil woman sometimes.”

She laughed as Jack rolled them so that he was on top of her. He kissed her laughter as Natalie adjusted her weight underneath him. He was already working her panties down her legs.

“Dan wished he had the game I have, baby.”

“Stop talking and prove it Mr. Carmichael.”

Nat wrapped her legs around her husband. Jack got rid of her tank top, relishing the feeling of his skin on hers.

“You love me?” he asked, sliding inside of her.

“Oh yes.”

“Say it.”

“Mmm, I love you Jack.”

“I love you too.”


“I bought you a plant.”


“To brighten this place up some. Plants create oxygen.”

“I can breathe just fine.” Ben replied.

“You know where I come from, when someone does something nice for you the usual response is a thank you of some sort.”

“It won't be nice when I kill the plant.”

“You're the father of two, Ben. Nicky and Julie managed to survive on your watch.”

“They have a great way of screaming when they're hungry. It helps.”

Michelle rolled her eyes. She put the plant on the windowsill. It was still shocking to see the office empty…Ben Hettinger lived there for almost eight years. He did not plan to stay that long this time. It would be interesting to see how much he accumulated while he was there.

“The writing staff is coming in at eleven. You are working on the Girl Scouts speech and the Vice-Presidential announcement. Diana wants to see staff at one. Do you need anything?”


Michelle headed to the door but Ben stopped her. She turned to look at him, wearing her dazzling prom queen smile.

“Thank you Michelle.” He said.

“I'm glad you're back, even if it's just for the time being. I kinda missed you after you left.”

“Yeah right. I liked the sincerity though; you almost had me convinced.”

“I aim to please.”

She walked out and Ben looked around the office. It held many memories, good and bad. He and Diana fell in love there. He wrote countless speeches, made life-changing decisions, fought battles, won and lost. Ben even wrote his resignation letter six months before the Lindstrom Administration ended sitting right at that desk.

The ups and downs of nearly a decade of his life, all in about 70 sq. feet. Ben swore to himself that he would never again set foot in the White House, yet there he was. They made a choice; he and Diana would both do their part. Then they would get the hell out of town as fast as their legs could take them.


“Madame President, it's certainly a pleasure.”

Congressman Peter Spencer of Virginia stood in the Oval Office. It was not the first time he had been there, but it was the most interesting. He was there for the reason he could hardly let himself believe, his life would never be the same.

“Thank you for coming Congressman. You know Daniel Kagan, Diana Hettinger and Jack Carmichael?”

How could he not know them, they ran the country. Everyone exchanged handshakes and the Congressman sat down. Clearly anxious, he crossed his leg and tried desperately not to perspire.

“There is no point in beating around the bush, Congressman.” Claire said. “I've selected you from a short list of distinguished men to be my nominee for Vice-President of the United States .”

“I'm honored ma'am. Truly honored.”

“We are going to fast track the confirmation.” Diana said. “The Senate will not make waves, as long as your nose is clean. You wouldn't be in this room if we had not studied you thoroughly, but is there anything you would like to tell us right now.”

“I have three outstanding parking tickets.” He said seriously. “I didn't pay them before we went to recess but I will do it today.”

“If that's all we're worrying about then you're fine.” Jack said.

“Before we go into details I should ask you Peter, do you want this? It will not be easy for your family. They will become famous overnight and the press can be brutal. You will suddenly have a security staff of close to 200 and even your bedroom will not be your own. Everything from the pack of smokes you stole in 7 th grade to the girl you dumped right before the sophomore dance will become public knowledge.”

“We can handle it ma'am. Candidly, I was made aware sometime last week that my name might make a short list. My wife and I had a lengthy discussion of it then though we could hardly believe it was true. It is an honor for me to serve my country and my President in this capacity.”

“I'm happy to hear it. Dan Kagan will be your guy. He will know everything about you and get you ready for the dance. Barring disaster, and we should know by now disaster must always be taken into account, you will be the Vice-President of the United States by the weekend.”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Is your wife prepared to leave her teaching position?” Diana asked.

“Yes. Amanda's platform is education. She will have an even bigger voice now.”

“Well,” Claire stood and so did everyone else in the room. “We are going to leave Dan to his job. He is the best, Congressman. Listen to him and you can have this office in three years.”

“What is important to me is serving at the pleasure of the President ma'am.” Peter replied.

“Good.” She shook his hand. “Dan will escort you and your wife to your new executive offices. You will be housed in the East Wing instead of the OEOB.”

“Thank you Madame President.”

“Thank you, Mr. Vice-President.”

Peter shook everyone's hand again, the President nodded at Dan, and he escorted the Congressman out of the Oval Office.

“Thirty second assessment.” Claire said.

“I like his file.” Diana replied. “I did not know him well on the Hill though nothing but good things are said about him. He was going to make the leap in the next four years. I don't foresee running into a brick wall with the confirmation.”


“As long as he listens to Dan and doesn't go on a power trip I don't foresee any problems. I think he is a smart, innovative man with a face made for magazine covers. He was a good choice.”

“Dare I say he reminds me of the late President?” Claire said.

“Yes ma'am.”

Her new Senior Executive Assistant Emily, who worked for Jack Carmichael with extreme efficiency for almost twenty years, knocked and poked her head into the Oval Office.

“Madame President, Special Agents Holmes and Richter are here.”

“Terrific Emily, send them in. Diana, I want you here on this. Jack, get with Nick and Kevin…start to get a feel for the Senate. They say they won't pull a fast one but you never know. I don't want any surprises.”

“Yeah.” He nodded. “Thank you Madame President.”

Jack left through the side door as the two agents came in the front.

“Good afternoon Madame President.”


“The lid is closed. Let's get drunk.”

Nat and Diana sat in the Chief of Staff's office; Maggie Walsh walked in. She started the train rolling on the media blitz for Peter Spencer and his family.

“The President was fantastic on television this afternoon.” Nat said. “We should get numbers soon.”

“Oh God.” Maggie rolled her eyes. “I could do without ever seeing another number.”

“You wish. We typically do the first real polls after 100 days. Good job controlling the press when they got rowdy.” Diana said.

“What can I say? I learned from the best.”

“Oh yeah right.” Natalie replied. “I think the first six months I was searching for a life vest on a leaky boat. They are just being nice to us because of the tragedy. By summer they will turn on you…be ready.”

“Some of them already are.” Maggie sat in one of the chairs. “They want more information on the FBI investigation.”

“We all want more.” Diana told her. “Stephen Holmes and his team are working around the clock. Whoever did this certainly had no intention of being caught. This is not an episode of Law and Order ; investigations take time.”

“That's what I said. Its flying for right now but soon they are going to think we are hiding something.”

“Like what?” the White House Chief of Staff was clearly exasperated. “Four important people were poisoned and three died. The President-elect was one of those people. What are we going to hide?”

“The fact that the Secret Service is the only agency that connects the victims. The fact that murderers and conspirators could be in our own backyard. They could be watching us as we speak.” Maggie said.

“Is Preston from The Times harassing you?” Nat asked.

“Preston , Steve, Chris…Paul from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution asked if Treasury was running an inside investigation.”

“You think I haven't thought about this?” Diana asked. “I have thought about it way too much. There is a detail right now looking over my sons; looking over me. I don't know if I trust any of them.”

“Lets stop having this conversation.” Natalie shuddered, thinking about how close her old agents were to her and her children. She trusted them, but you had to let your guard down with your detail. They were supposed to protect you from harm. What if the harm was closer than you ever imagined? “Maggie, didn't you mention drinks?”

“Yeah. Its time to get something alcoholic coursing through my veins. Where are the boys?”

“Ben is working on speeches; he needs a Deputy soon. Nick and Dan are on a Vice-Presidential powwow and Kevin is preparing for a Cabinet meeting in the morning.”

“Shouldn't you be doing that?” Nat asked.

“No, he is going to sit in with the President. I'm up to my neck in other things. I have a feeling the President wants to groom Kevin. He may be the only one who stays after the interim period.”

“Have we discussed how long an interim period is technically?” Maggie asked. She intended to stay but wanted to know how long her best friends would be with her.

“Some say two years.” Diana said. “I'm not prepared to think about dates and times right now.”

“Drink time.” Natalie reiterated. “Bags, coats, bar…now. The Monocle is close, the Secret Service is used to it, and it's cold as hell so we won't have to travel too far.”

“It's not so cold.”

“Maggie, you are from Helena . Of course it's not so cold to you.”


“Knock, knock.”

“Come on in.”

“Hey there Daniel Kagan.”

“Rachel.” Dan jumped out of his chair, nearly sent his coffee tumbling to the floor. He saved it with a grin. He could not seem to shake that grin in the presence of Natalie Carmichael's twenty something niece. “What are you doing here?”

“I work here.”


“I'm a White House aide now.”

“Seriously? Where are you working?”

“The Chief of Staff's office. Diana wants me to be one of the links between her office and yours. I knew my Seven Sisters college education would come in handy. I'm proud to do it.”

“You work here now?”

“What's the matter with you? You seem a bit left of center.”

“I um…well; you're the last person I expected to see tonight, I guess.”

He had a crush on her for at least a year now. Not a very good thing considering she was about 20 years younger than he was. They spent Election night together, nothing happened but sparks flew. Dan still had burns on his skin.

“I don't know what to say to that.” she shrugged and smiled. “Diana told me that you and the Vice-President are getting ready to hit the road.”

Peter Spencer had been Vice-President for six weeks and Dan had to admit he liked the guy. He wasn't sure if he was cut out for big time politics; he was so damn nice and good-natured. Peter could be groomed though, anyone could, and though he felt he had been demoted, this was a new opportunity. Daniel Kagan relished new opportunities.

“Yeah, we're going around the country to assure people. Two weeks and some major cities. He's ready for the serious glare of the cameras. We have him booked for Good Morning America on Monday.”

“That's great. I just wanted to come over, say hello, and let you know that I look forward to working closely with you in the future.”

“I thought about calling you a thousand times.”

The sound of his voice stopped Rachel at the door. She turned around.

“You thought about it?”

“Yeah.” Dan nodded. “Everything turned insane really fast. Not just insane Rachel, it was downright Vince Flynn novel bizarre. Nine weeks ago my life was on a very different path.”

“I know. What happened was quite surreal. I'm happy you decided to stay though, even if this job is a little less glamorous.”

“Vice-President Spencer is a good man and I am not ashamed to say I am his go-to guy.”

Rachel did not quite believe him but knew that the Vice-President would get 150% out of Dan, every time. Maybe someday soon the Vice-Presidential Chief of Staff would believe his own statement.

“So, you're around?” he asked.

“Yeah. I have to get back to work.”

“Can I call you? Maybe when I come back from my trip.”

“If you get bored on your trip, call me. Bye Kagan.”


How was he supposed to get any work done with Rachel flouncing around the East Wing? No, she definitely didn't flounce. She was beautiful though. Beautiful, intelligent, and a serious distraction. Dan had not thought of a woman as a distraction in a long time.

He had not thought of a woman naked for longer than that. Rachel ran through his mind in her natural state several times a day, several times an hour at least. He chastised himself and thought of Natalie using his guts for garters if she ever found out. Dan had been knocked around so much in the past nine weeks, now he was knocked over.


“Hey Di.”

Diana Hettinger looked up from the mountain of paperwork on her desk and managed a smile for the FBI Agent.

“Come on in Stephen. How are you?”

“Getting by.” Special Agent Holmes sat down.

“What's new?”

“All of our digging finally yielded results. Orlando Garcia. Both a girlfriend and a coworker confirmed Sharon was seeing a man by that name. He drove an Iroc-Z.”

“I dated a guy who drove an Iroc once.” Diana said.

“They're usually cocks.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Anyway, we have a composite but may hit another brick wall. We still haven't found Sharon 's body but my instinct tells me…”

“Yeah. A shy intellectual suddenly gets a Latin lover. This is starting to sound a lot less like terrorism, Steve.”

“We are sending our people to talk to the victim's family; see if the name or the composite jog any memories. We are also running him through Interpol and the FBI database. We're going to find him.”

“If that is even his name.” Diana replied.

“Those two databases search under aliases too.”

“OK, so you find him. Then what?”

“Can I be honest with you?” Stephen asked.

“Yeah, of course.”

“I have no fucking clue what's happening. All the clues and questioning are leading us nowhere near some vast conspiracy. I'm scared to death we are going to find a 15 year old with a Messianic complex sitting in front of a computer in his bedroom with Slayer posters on the wall.”

“When things like this happen we do expect it to be a vast undertaking with enemies we recognize. Everyone has to commit their first crime.”

Stephen thought the assassination of a President, two prominent Congressmen and an attempt on the life of the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court was a hell of a way to start a life of crime. He needed to find the people responsible for this. An act of this nature could not go into the annals of history unsolved. Stephen would exhaust all possibilities and then start over again.

“What about the Secret Service angle?” Diana asked.

“Special Agent Richter is handling that with my colleague, Special Agent Gillespie.”

“Jean Gillespie?”


“Be honest with me Stephen, we go back some ways…is the Secret Service hiding something?”

“My instinct says yes. My instinct also says that Jay Monroe and Carly Richter are willing to risk their careers to find these people. They don't care about hurting feelings as much as clearing the name of the Secret Service and getting rid of the bad eggs.”


“A nice quiet dinner out. What a great surprise.”

Natalie and Jack were sitting at a semi-private table in 701. Jazz played in the background and she was content for a few precious moments alone with her husband.

“I thought it would be nice. Anyway, I owe you.” Jack said.

“You do?”

“Yeah. I asked you to stay here; delay the life we've been looking forward to for too many years to count.”

“I stayed for Claire, love. You don't owe me anything.”

“Well how about I did this because I love you madly?”

“I will definitely take that.”

She leaned over to kiss him as dinner arrived. The server refilled Nat's Sauvignon Blanc.

“We have been working so hard and there hasn't been much time for us. It's almost April and I want to change that.”

Jack slid his hand over hers. By now, they should have been back from their month long vacation abroad with the children. They planned to stay in Washington until the next summer, heading to New York when it was time to enroll the kids in school. They both wanted to relax a while, be husband and wife, and be parents before jumping back into the real world.

The couple had been married for almost seven years. Every single one of them was spent in the glare of a spotlight. Not all of it was political. Their 19 year age difference, Natalie's Hollywood good looks, and Jack's vast fortune made them fodder for much more than the CNN set.

The press would not go away when the Carmichaels left the nation's capital. Still, Jack owed his wife and children some peace, quiet, and comfort. He finally thought that the White House could stop coming before his love for and commitment to them. He did not like being wrong about that.

“At least we have the weekend.” She said. “If you want to come with us, I'm taking the kids to the Dinosaur Museum . We can all go and make a family outing of it.”

“I love that idea.” Jack replied. “Can we go on Sunday? I may be spending some time at the White House on Saturday.”

“Why don't you take Jack Jack with you…I'm sure he'll be excited.”

“Krissy won't be jealous?”

They were the parents of four-year-old John Jr. and three-year-old Kristina. They would be five and four in June and August. Natalie had the children back to back; she did not regret that decision. It was the only option with their busy lives.

“No. She will have me all day Saturday and the two of us on Sunday. You know what's going to be the best part of this outing?”

“Tell me.”

“No Secret Service.”

Jack took a deep breath.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

“John…” Natalie only called her husband by his Christian name when she was concerned, angry or horny. She was definitely not horny.

“You expressed feeling uncomfortable and that bothered me.”

“I think I was just used to always having them around.” Natalie replied. “How many years was I a protectee? I just felt as if something was missing. That doesn't mean that I missed that part of the life.”

“I think we should bring back a small detail. Just Bill and Nancy; nothing outrageous.”

“What's going on? Are their new threats? Are the children…?”

“This is just a precaution. Jay is being hyper vigilant and I want to be the same. A detail around the perimeter of the house along with Bill and Nancy. No one is going to invade your life. I promise you that baby.”

“And you would tell me if there were overt threats?”

“I would never keep something like that from you, Nat. Jay certainly would never keep it from me. This is just a precaution during this insanity. You and the children should always feel safe.”

“OK.” she conceded with a nod. “When are my agents returning?”

“Monday morning. At least you have a free weekend and a day at the Dinosaur Museum . I'm sorry about this.”

“You don't have to apologize.” She reached across the table for his hand. “Being safe is important to me too. Bill and Nancy are old friends.”

Jack smiled and so did his wife. She was thinking about chocolate for dessert. Then she would take her husband home and have her way with him. Natalie Carmichael yearned for a quiet weekend with her beloved family.


Missing Persons

It was almost nine thirty; Jack expected Natalie home two hours ago. He called her cell phone right after seven and got voicemail. Figuring she was in a meeting, he left a message to call him. She had not so he called back just a few minutes ago. This time it went straight to voicemail...Jack did not like that at all.

Once, when they first starting seeing each other, Jack turned off his cell phone so the couple could have a little privacy. He had his pager in case of an emergency. Natalie just threw her phone in the drawer and she said to him; Jack would never forget it ‘ If you call me and it goes straight to voicemail I'm probably dead .' At the time he laughed, told her she was morbid.

Now standing in their den, a cold chill set in his blood. He needed to calm down and think. He would call Diana…this was probably all easy to explain. Before he could find her name on the contact list, his cell started to buzz. Jack flipped it open.


“Do you love your wife, Mr. Carmichael?”

“Who the hell is this?”

“You must, she loves you…she called out for you. She begged for you.”

“Who is this? Where is my wife?”

“She is in a bad way. A really bad way.”

The voice sounded so familiar to him but Jack could not place it. It was slurred, or garbled in some way.

“If anything happens to Natalie, I promise I will hunt you down and kill you.”

“I'm already dead. She, however, has a little time. She's very pretty too; is she good to you in bed?”

“Don't you touch her!”

“I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to her, and then I will kill her. Maybe after that we will be even. Goodnight, Mr. Carmichael.”

There was a click and the phone line was dead. Jack could hear his heart banging in his chest; thumping in his ear. This was not happening, it could not be happening. Oh dear God, someone had taken his wife. He pressed three on his cell phone.

“Monroe .”

“Jay, its Jack Carmichael. Natalie has been kidnapped.”


The FBI and Secret Service took over the Carmichael den. Jay Monroe sent in the team supposed to report on Monday plus two more field agents as well as four cars on the house. Almost an hour had passed and there were no more phone calls. Jack sat on his couch, smoking a cigarette and trying to keep from trembling. He had seen stories on the news thousands of times but never imagined it would happen to his family.

“Mr. Carmichael, I am Agent Danielle Crocker and this is Agent Todd Davis. We are going to have to ask you some questions.”

“Ask what you need to. I just want my wife back.”

“What was your wife wearing this morning?”

“Um, gray skirt, maroon blouse, and a gray suit jacket. She has brown hair, but it's dyed brown. Normally it is a beautiful reddish gold. I'm not sure I even like it brown. Her eyes are blue. Natalie is tall, almost six feet tall; maybe she is six feet tall. She stands out in a crowd, she really does. Her skin is a bit pale right now; she does not tan in the winter like some women because her skin is fair. She has beautiful fair skin.”

Biting down on his lip, Jack handed them a picture he took of Natalie on Election night. She was smiling, holding their daughter in her arms.

“Have you noticed any suspicious behavior over the past couple of days or weeks?”

“No.” Jack shook his head. “We've been busy and haven't spent enough time together. She was looking forward to being with the kids this weekend.”

“And she had no cause to leave?” Agent Davis asked.

“No. Nat always calls me; calls home. She would never leave our kids without warning. Her cell phone is never off and that worried me.”

“How is your marriage, Mr. Carmichael?”

“It's a marriage; it has ups and downs like they all do. I love my wife and would never hurt her so don't waste her time barking up that tree.”

“Is there anyone who would want to hurt her, sir?” Agent Crocker asked. “Were their threats? We know in the past that she received some letters that were a concern.”

“I've been in the game a long time…I am sure there are people who hate my guts. I don't think anyone would do something like this. Everyone loves Natalie so much. Is there going to be a ransom call or something?”

“We don't know.” Agent Davis replied. “We have to wait and see. Other agents are interviewing White House staff; we are trying to get a timeline of her day and evening.”

“How long am I supposed to wait?” Jack asked. “Some one could be hurting my wife right now.”

“We don't know that sir.”

“You don't know that!” Jack screamed, jumping off the couch. “My wife disappeared into the night. People don't do that just to play Parcheesi. Someone called me and said they were going to kill her. You have to find her!”

Kevin came into the room then, rushing to Jack's side.

“What are you doing here?” Jack asked.

“Jay called me. You aren't going through this alone.”


“Is safe in her apartment under Secret Service protection. We are considering sending her to Hanover to be with her parents. I'm not leaving.”

He squeezed Jack's shoulder and the older man nodded. He pulled his buzzing cell phone from his pocket…there was a text message.

“What does it say Mr. Carmichael?” Agent Crocker asked.

“It says you've got mail.”

“Where's your computer?” they asked.

“My laptop is in the bedroom.”

One of the police officers rushed up the stairs to get it, setting it up in the den. With a sigh, Jack went into his AOL account and saw a message from an address he did not recognize.

“Oh my God.”

There in color were pictures of his wife. In the first, she wore panties and a dirty white political tee shirt for Serrano/McDevitt. Tied to a chair, there was a blindfold over her eyes. The second picture showed her down on her knees, grimacing in pain as someone held her long hair in their gloved fist.

“Natalie.” Jack gingerly touched the screen, unable to control his emotion. “Who would do this to her?”

There was a simple message under the photos. ‘ Your chickens have come home to roost. Remember your past as your future fades away .'

“Do you know what that means, Mr. Carmichael?”

“No.” Jack shook his head. “Excuse me, I think I am going to be sick.”

Jack rushed to the powder room as the FBI shut down his laptop.

“How do you plan on finding this person?” Kevin asked.

“By digging into Jack Carmichael's past.” Agent Crocker replied. “Of course, we really don't know how much time we have. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions Mr. Bridges?”

“Of course. I want to do everything I can to help.”

“Agent Bowler is going to take you in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, let me just check on Jack first.”


Ben held Diana as she cried. The FBI had questioned them thoroughly on the Carmichael marriage and Natalie's mood over the past few weeks. No detail was going to be overlooked in her disappearance. It sounded to Ben as if they thought Jack was a suspect.

“He would never hurt her.” Diana said.

“I know that. They have to ask those questions.”

“They are wasting time.”

“There are agents investigating every angle. They are going to find her.”

Diana sat up and wiped her eyes. They were still at the White House and she had to talk to Maggie. It was Friday night; they needed to reopen the lid. Sunday editions were going to want to run this story.

“I have to get myself together.” She said more to herself than to him.

“Yeah um…I'll call the nanny. Come here.”

Ben hugged his wife again and Diana tried her best to hold back the emotion she felt. Natalie came to her office before she left the White House to talk as she always had. They discussed spending time with their children. Nat was looking forward to the Sunday family outing with glee. Jack Jack and Krissy would let loose, probably wear her down to the nub.

Still, she was happy about the time together. They also discussed her Secret Service detail returning on Monday. While the former Chief of Staff was not thrilled about it, she took it in stride. It was part of the job and she trusted her old team. Jack said it was just precautionary; there were no direct threats. There was really nothing to worry about, right?

Just then, Rachel opened the door. She did not knock but as soon as she saw Diana's face she knew the whispering of aides and assistants about something being wrong was not the usual gossip.

“I'm sorry for not knocking. What's going on? Everyone is whispering about something. The President is alright, isn't she?”

“Rachel, I need to talk to you. Why don't you come in and sit down.”

The young blonde nodded, coming into the office. Ben needed to go. He had to call home and he needed a few minutes by himself. There was a rage boiling under the surface that he had trouble holding in.

“What's going on?” Rachel asked.

“There is no easy way to say this so I'll just say it. Natalie left the White House at approximately eight o'clock, but she never arrived home.”

“What? Was she in an accident?”


Diana told her everything she knew so far and watched the young woman's face change from question to absolute horror.

“I'm not sure that I understand you.” She said.

“You understand.”

“Someone took her? What the hell does that mean? What are the police doing?”

There had been no ransom call or demands for release of political prisoners. From what Diana could see, and she had not been made aware of any recent happenings, this was personal.

“Um…what…I…oh God.” Rachel ran her hands over her face and through her blonde hair. “What should I do?”

“I wish I knew how to answer that. The FBI and Metro Police Department are investigating. As horrible as it sounds, we have to wait.”

“Wait? That's it?”

“That's it. Maybe you should go home and try to relax. Perhaps you should call your parents.”

“They can't help.” Rachel muttered. She stood up, looking a bit disoriented. “I guess I should just go. Is Uncle Jack…?”

“He is at home and Kevin is with him. Should I get you a ride?”

Rachel shook her head; she would hail a cab. She just needed to get the hell out of the White House.

“Do you need me here?” she asked.

“No. I want to tell you everything will be OK but I…”

They hugged and Rachel managed to suck up the tears.

“I know. Goodnight Diana.”

Leaving the White House, she knew she could not go home and watch the walls close in. Rachel knew the FBI would question her soon, but right now, she needed to do something to keep her mind off the horrible things that could be happening to her beloved aunt at that very moment.


Kevin and Jack sat on the porch watching chilly April rain soak the Georgetown neighborhood. The police had been through the house to look for clues but found nothing. The FBI asked Jack's permission to sweep for bugs but that search came up negative. It was clear from the pictures sent to Jack that this was no ordinary kidnapping. They did not want money or fifteen minutes of fame…they wanted Jack Carmichael to suffer.

Who could hate him enough to commit an act like this? Next they were going to be looking into his past. He was a lifelong politician who certainly pissed off his fair share of individuals. The FBI didn't even know where to start. Between this and the growing poison investigation, things were upside down in the nation's capitol.

“What if she is already dead?”

It was the first thing Jack had said in 20 minutes and Kevin just looked at him. They certainly did not need to go down that road. Sighing, he took the cigarette from between Jack's fingers and threw it away.

“You're not having another one. They're not good for your heart.”

Few people knew about Jack Carmichael's heart attack. The blood clot in his brain caused it; it was not public knowledge.

“Kevin, someone has taken my wife. She was walking down a public street, and the FBI cannot find a single witness. How could this have happened?”

“I don't know. Very good investigators are looking for her.”

“They don't want us to find her…they intend to kill her. They may have already done so.”

“No.” Kevin shook his head.

“How can you be so sure? We don't know how old those pictures were that they sent to us.”

“Why are you talking like this? Are you just going to give up on Nat? When Katherine was in the accident, I had an overwhelming sense of dread. I knew she was severely injured but I also knew she was not leaving me. Katherine is my heart and Natalie is yours. If she dies, your soul will know…you two are connected.”

“I already feel like I can't breathe. What the hell am I going to tell our children?”

Jack Jack and Krissy were smart, perceptive children; they took after their parents. They would know something was wrong. Jack was not going to be able to hide this from them, no matter how much he wanted to. Once the press got wind this would become a circus.

“Tell them as much of the truth as you can.” He replied.

“Kevin, they are kids. They are not going to understand and I refuse to scare them to death. I can't tell them that a maniac took their mother and she may never be coming back.”

“Yeah. Look, let's talk to them now. Kyle is upstairs with them and they are awake. We will think of something. The press is going to be on this soon and we have to protect them.”

Jack nodded. He was thinking of sending Kyle and the kids to his condo in The Bahamas. He wanted to keep them out of the spotlight. It also concerned him that his children might be on some kind of hit list. He had failed their mother; he would not fail them.

“OK, let's go upstairs.”


Dan left the White House early so that he could go home and pack for the trip. Air Force Two would be leaving Andrews AFB Sunday morning at 8am sharp. The Vice-President and his new team would be traveling in style. Over the past six weeks Dan felt he had assembled an excellent group of people for his task. Both veterans and eager up and comers were part of the Vice-Presidential staff. This work he was doing with Peter Spencer was something of which to be proud. No, he wasn't quite over the serious demotion he received after the President-elect's untimely death but Dan knew he could continue to do great things. One day the Oval Office would be part of his home again.

He went out to the living room, thought he heard someone banging on his front door. Standing in the middle of the floor, Dan waited. It happened again so he went over to the door and opened it. He stood face to face with a soaking wet Rachel Cosgrove.

“What are you doing here? You're soaking wet.”

Rachel was sobbing and threw herself into Dan's arms. He closed the door with his foot, holding tight to her. She was trembling and her heart beat so fast. Dan was afraid it would leap right out of her chest.

“Hey, tell me what's wrong.” Dan stroked her wet hair.

“Natalie's been kidnapped.” Rachel could hardly whisper it.

“What!” their bodies separated and he looked in her eyes.

“She left the White House around eight and never got home. The Secret Service and FBI are covering the metropolitan area looking for clues and witnesses. It's getting ready to be the top story.”

She started to cry again and Dan held her. Who would want to hurt Natalie? Was anyone safe from harm right now? Should they move the Vice-President's trip back? Dan needed to call Special Agent Ken Cooper, head of the Vice-Presidential Secret Service detail.

“You have to get something warm in you; you're shivering.” He kissed her forehead. “How about some soup or something?”

“I can't eat anything right now.” Rachel replied

“Please. I will make something and you can try. There are tee shirts and shorts in my top drawer in the bedroom. Change out of these wet clothes; I'll make that soup.”

“Thank you Dan. I know it was crazy for me to come here but…”

“Don't you dare. I'm glad you're here; I would not want you to be alone tonight. Go on and change.”

Rachel kissed his lips softly. They had never kissed before and it was so soft Dan wasn't sure they were kissing now. It lit a fire in him; he balled his hands into fists to keep from intensifying the moment. The last thing that needed to take place right now was sex with the vulnerable woman that he believed he was falling in love with. Wearing a sad smile, Rachel walked through the living room and into Dan's bedroom. He went to the kitchen.


Jay Monroe was ready to go home. He needed to put his arms around his wife and try to squeeze in six hours of sleep. The President's detail was secure and there was no point in starting to go through files for the poisoning investigation. It was after midnight; Jay could barely see straight as it was. He went around his office organizing paperwork and folders for Sunday morning. He would take tomorrow off, relax, and maybe go to the firing range. Then it was right back into the thick of things to start the week.

He knew about the situation with Natalie Carmichael but he was not actively involved…there was already too much on his plate. Special Agent Bill Black would keep him up to date as the investigation progressed. Jay worried that no one was safe anymore; the Secret Service was stretched right now. It did not help that there were possible murderers amongst them. Sighing, he turned out the office lights and walked down the long hallway. He grabbed his ringing phone from his hip.

“Monroe .”

“Sir, we have a serious problem. At last bed check, Smarty and Sassy did not respond. They were not in the bedroom. A thorough check of the residence came up negative.”

“Special Agent Richter, what are you telling me?”

“Jessica and Juliette McDevitt are missing sir.”


NEXT ISSUE: Part 5: Old Ghosts