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Editor's Column

Spring 2008

This marks three years that Mysterical-E has been in my hands and about nine or ten years that Mysterical-E has been entertaining readers.

Over the years we've been making changes some subtle, some more noticeable and all of them good. We've see our staff wax and wane and wax again. There have always been good people who come to do the work of putting together a magazine such as ours. And believe me, it's work. Lots of hours of work. And the amazing thing is that it's an all volunteer effort. It's also a labor of love -- no one here would do this if they didn't love it even in some small way.

This issue features some fine stories and a new wrinkle. Two series continue here, one continuing character is romping through our cyber pages, and Frank Zafiro begins a new series of four stories collectively called the Shea and Laddie stories. The first appears in this issue with a bonus feature: an audio version.

With Frank's stories we are begginning an experiment with podcasts. Frank did an excellent job of producing the audi versions of his stories (all of which will appear in subsequent issues and will remain in our archives). Hearing Frank read his own work is not just a treat for that reason. He's pretty good at dramatizing the work and made some great recordings.

I invite others who submit their work to Mysterical-E to try their hand at creating a podcast to send along with the print/cyber version. Read your own work or get someone else to read it for you.


Julie Obermiller is back in touch after a long illness and back at work on our staff! And glad we are that she is. In the past her column garnerd a lot of attention and lots of praise. Her book reviews and interviews were features that people looked forward to. Julie is a powerhouse and with her discerning ways back in action again, we will be the better for it. WELCOME BACK!


There are some new things about this issue including a new manu, a flash banner, and more. You'll notice them as you look at the pages. Let us know how you like them. Thanks goes to Jason Li and Gin E.L. Fenton

Preditors and Editors Poll
I was humbled again this year to receive the Preditors and Editors Reader's Poll Award for Best Magazine Editor. It's an honor that I'm very proud of and grateful for.


Book Giveaway

The first two readers who send me an email at: joede at will be eligible for one of two books: Murder New York Style or Baby Sharks Beaumont Blues (state your preference in your email).