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Editor's Column

The Fall Issue

Well, it's here. Fall, that is, and with it some chilly weather. It's difficult to believe that just two weeks ago I was frolicking in the Poconos in near perfect weather and now, cold fronts and hurricane winds are making the East Coast a soggy place to be.

This issue of Mysterical-E will benefit from the moody weather -- there are some chilling tales as well as some exotic fare. We have some great writers in this edition -- some are old hands and some new but all have something to offer in the way of story or style, setting or character. The contributors in all areas have helped tremendously and there is at least one inspiring story on the Staff page -- I encourage you to take a look.

This summer has been a busy one for me and, I know, for others. But I managed to accomplish a few things. One of these is finally starting that blog I've been promising myself. When it's ready for prime time, I'll add it to the list.

In the mean time -- get yourself on our Links page or Blogs page. There's room for more. Just send us a note.

And don't forget our contests. There are two open now -- both story starter contests. Both rife with possibilities.

Once again my thanks to the writers, my gratitude to the judges, and my admiration to the artists -- all of you help make Mysterical-E the best there is!

Enjoy the issue.


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