By Peter Ebsworth

Amethyst: Thank you for subscribing to I am Amethyst, your personal medium and guide. Together we will connect with the spirit world and communicate with the one you seek. May I have your name please?

Princess: Paul Underwood.

Amethyst: Welcome Paul. May I ask how you came to know of this site?

Princess: From my daughter, Becky. She subscribed to it so that she could contact her grandma. They were very close. I’m in here under her login. My mom always called her “Princess.” Is that a problem?

Amethyst: No, no problem at all. Have you ever used a Medium before?

Princess: No. I’ve always thought that you were a bunch of charlatans and frauds. I used to laugh at Becky for coming on here to talk with my mom, but that was before…

Amethyst: Before what, Paul?

Princess: Before I became this desperate to contact someone.

Amethyst: That’s not unusual, Paul. When the Titanic finally went under, I would guess that she didn’t take any atheists down with her. Cynicism is always emotional thin ice; it can’t bear much weight. Who do you wish to contact?

Princess: My daughter, Becky.

Amethyst: When did she pass through?

Princess: Die you mean? When did she die?

Amethyst: Yes, if you prefer. But die is such a final word for what is, after all, only an evolution from physical to spiritual consciousness. The universe is alive with the life force; our living bodies channel and focus our awareness like a signal through a radio. Death is only the transition back to the original spiritual world from which we came. Becky has not stopped “being,” she never will. None of us ever will. So when did Becky make the transition?

Princess: Three weeks ago. She died three weeks ago in a car accident.

Amethyst: That is a very recent transition, Paul. She may not have had time yet to find her place on the incorporeal plane. I may have to use a spiritual intermediary already known to me to establish contact. What were Becky’s interests? It will assist our spirit guide to calm her if he can remind her of familiar and well-liked things.

Princess: Horse riding, discos, boy-bands, she liked all the usual teenage girl stuff, but most of-all the Internet. She absolutely adored the chat lines and e-mails. She even built her own Web site so “cyber friends” could find out all about her.

Amethyst: Thank you that will help. If we are able to find her, what are you wishing to ask?

Princess: I don’t need to ask anything. You only have to get a message through to her. I thought that maybe, just maybe, this site could be real, that you might be a genuine medium. That behind all the smoke and mirrors there could be a little real magic. So I’m giving it a try, giving you a try.

Amethyst: I am genuine, Paul, but I warn you now, not infallible. Spirits are still people, often lost and bewildered people, especially after only a few weeks on the other side. I may not even be able to find her. Is the message to say you’re sorry? It so often is. Sorry things weren’t different; sorry you didn’t try harder. If so, she will already understand, and, indeed, she will be feeling the same. Believe me.

Princess: No. I want her to know that I’m coming to get her. I’m going to make the “transition.”

Amethyst: I’m sorry, Paul, Dad but I don’t understand.

Princess: Well you should understand, it’s very simple. She’s only fourteen, and I’m not leaving her there on her own.

Amethyst: But, Paul, she’s not Daddy, is that really you? on her own. She’s with all the family that have gone before, including her grandma. Its natural to be upset, but the pain will ease over time. Please don’t do anything foolish.

Princess: Why is it foolish? You tell me the spirit world is real. Well, I have a Smith & Wesson Home-Defender next to my keyboard that’s my ticket over. But I want her to know I’m coming, to not be afraid anymore because she will know that I’m on my way. How can I know how long it will take me to find her? Maybe it’ll be hours after I’m dead, maybe days. However strange and frightening the place, at least she will have the comfort of knowing that her dad’s coming through for her, she’ll know that I’m going find her whatever it takes. I’ve thought it through and realize that she needs me now more than ever. Daddy, I’m not dead. I’m at home, but where are you?

Amethyst: Look, Paul, tell me where you are, you need help.

Princess: Becky?

Amethyst: No, we will be unable to make any contact today. My temporal connection has faded; the spirit guide has left.

Princess: Honey?

Amethyst: Paul, you must understand that I am not saying that Dad, was it a mistake? I knew that you couldn’t be dead, I just knew it all along, but no one would listen to me the spirit world is an actual place. Think of it more as a state of mind.

Princess: What’s happening? Have you made contact with my daughter? Is that her speaking to me?

Amethyst: There’s only me, Paul. This is a one-to-one chat room with no observers and no other participants, I’m Becky Underwood from Cedars Avenue, Winston, and I want to know are you my dad or not!? but I need your address to get you some assistance. Is there anyone else in the house?

Princess: Yes, it’s me, Becky, its Dad. But you’re not at home, Hon, not any more.

Amethyst: There’s no point in trying to talk to her, I can’t make contact with your daughter. Believe me, Paul, I honestly can’t.

Princess: I’ve been trying to reach you through a medium and it seems like its worked. Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll soon be with you.

Amethyst: Stop it, Paul, you’re frightening me. Look, I’ll be honest, I’m just someone trying to earn a living on the Net. I thought that this Web site could be a moneymaker; I have no more links with the spirit world than anyone else, which is none. You were right, it is only smoke and mirrors, it’s all illusion. No dad, I’m at home on the computer. I logged onto “The Other Side” to see if I could make contact with you. We were in a car accident on the way back from Michele Richards’ party and when I came round in the hospital they told me that you had died. I knew it was a lie, I knew that you couldn’t really be dead, but it’s been so long since you’ve been home that I started to think maybe you could be. Did you lose your memory or something, like in a movie?

Princess: I did crash the car bringing you back from the party. It was my fault. I was tired and didn’t react quick enough to avoid the truck. I’m so sorry, so desperately sorry. But it was you who died, honey. I just wish that it had been me instead.

Amethyst: Paul, read what I say! There is no spirit world! It’s made up to comfort people. If you kill yourself you will go nowhere. You will just be dead. Do not commit suicide. Please let me get help! Dad, maybe we are both OK. Do you remember that dead boring show that you made us watch on the Discovery Channel that said every possible outcome might really happen but then split into different worlds?

Princess: Yeah, I do, based on quantum theory. Every possible timeline actually exists. The multiverse theory, you’re a clever girl to remember that. But, sweetheart, they were different dimensions or something. There’s no way to communicate between them. Maybe we’ve found one. I’m fine, Dad, I really am. Missing you will never end, but as long as I know you’re really alive somewhere then I’ll be content. Stay where you are, Dad. Messages within cyberspace may cross over dimensions, but people can’t.

Princess: Are you really alive somewhere, Becky? Of course I am, silly. The dead can’t type. Now promise me you won’t hurt yourself.

Amethyst: I’m sorry, I’ve done what I can, you are obviously in great distress and very confused but I must insist that this finishes now. Promise me, Dad.

Princess: I promise. But you must swear in return that you are truly alive and safe, not only Becky’s spirit returned to stop me killing myself.

Amethyst: That’s enough! If you do not disconnect immediately, Mr. Underwood, I am going to close down this site at the server feed.

Princess: No stop! She’s here with us now. Can’t you see? Can’t you read her? For God’s sake, don’t cut us off.

Amethyst: I’m sorry, but you’ve left me no choice, I can’t be responsible for this. Goodbye, and please, don’t end your life; there is, honestly, nothing else. I LOVE YOU DAD!

Princess: Becky, swear to me…

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