By Denise Baton
If you are a mystery writer, go out and buy this book. If you're a publicity person, a bookseller, a reviewer or anyone in the business of selling mysteries you must have this book as a reference. Jeffrey Marks takes his ten years of experience and fits a myriad of advice in this slim paperback published by Deadly Alibi Press. Marks speaks from the school of hard signings with the authority and insight afforded by his MBA degree and his consultant work in business marketing. That's right. Selling your mystery stories is a business. Marks covers book promotions, press kits, signings and everything else you might need, starting from the moment you get your advance to your book signing. Even experienced mystery writers will benefit as this book is a great reference that has organized all the marketing tips in one book. Appendix B: Writer Resources contains a wealth of information for new and veteran mystery writers. |