Fall 2009

The Fall Issue

We've got plenty of stories to keep you busy. And busy is what most of our book reviewers were this summer. We'll have even more reviews in the Winter issue.

This issue brings some new writers (new to Mysterical-E and some new to the field) which we hope you'll enjoy.

As usual, our columnists are in rare form. They're all good!

Enjoy the issue.


A Reading :

On September 18th, I did a reading/signing event at Giovanni's Room in Philadelphia. Of course I was nervous but I needn't have been. A nice crowd turned out for the reading. Though I didn't know everyone in the room, there were some friends present and that helped.

The store sold out of the books a second time, having gone through their initial order a few days before.

The pictures from the reading were taken by our Webmaster, Jason Li

Murder on Camac (Lethe Press, 2009)



Readers Poll
2008 Results
Gin E.L. Fenton placed fifth in the Magazine/Ezine Art section
Mysterical-E placed second in the Fiction Magazine/Ezine section
I placed second in the Magazine/Ezine Editors section